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Coral Reef Research


Saba, Dutch Caribbean


February 2019 - July 2019


Coral reef research project for Wageningen Marine Research



In my role as an intern for Wageningen Marine Research, I executed the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN) protocol within the marine park of Saba (Dutch Caribbean) in collaboration with the local responsible organisation Saba Conservation Foundation (SCF). This project aimed to assess Saba’s coral reef ecosystem health by looking at several indicators such as fish abundance and diversity, coral and algae cover, coral recruits and diseases.

My activities included: collecting data while scuba-diving, such as performing fish surveys and counting/identifying coral recruits; leading and guiding the research dives; and performing data-analysis.


Extra tasks on site involved: helping with shark tagging, fishermen interviews and catch data; assisting with dives on the Saba Bank (largest submarine atoll in the Atlantic Ocean) to retrieve noise loggers; and cleaning the coral nursery.

GCRMN is the world’s premier coral reef data network, bringing together a range of government and non-government partners, such as the United Nations (UNEP), in tracking status and trends of the world's coral reefs for the purpose of conservation and management.​ 

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